In this task, I will be describing the difference between a formal and informal document.
Also I am choosing four types of l documents to show the layout and how they used in a business, these document are:- E-mails, Invoice, Agenda and Minutes of a Meeting.
A Formal Document:- Is written using full in English with no slang and also with good punctuation, grammar use of paragraphs with your ideas clearly laid out.
An Informal Document:- is written using slang, no clear paragraphs also many of the ideas are jumbled up but they are still been able to understand.
E-mails:- This is a form of communication used with in and out of a work place to let customers and employees aware of new changes within the organization.
Invoices:- This is a commercial document that you receive from a sell that will be given to a buyer stating the products, quantities and the agreed prices for the product of services that the seller has provided.
Agenda:- This is a list of items that have been suggested to be disscussed in a meeting.
Minutes of a Meeting:- This is all the summersizd points that was mentioned in a meeting.
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